General Unhappiness

Well, I took today off from work because I haven’t been feeling well. Ever since my long days this past weekend playing Magic and getting certified as a judge, I haven’t been able to sleep very well and my stomach has sometimes been bothering me. I feel better now, but still can’t get to sleep :(

During my day off, I spent some time on the Magic Online beta server, doing much better than I’ve ever done in real life when it doesn’t really count for anything. I made top 8 in a 256-player 7th-ed-sealed tournament before the server crashed and decided to never start the top 8 draft. I also watched the season finale of Enterprise. I also tried resting somewhat, because I can tell that I needed it, but as I said, I’m having trouble sleeping.

Hopefully I’ll get some sleep tonight and be ready and refreshed for work tomorrow. But somehow I doubt it.
