7 thoughts on “Quick Gaming Poll

  1. There were people at Friday Gaming last week who had some cards and were trying to get me to get into it, but I don’t play CCGs.

  2. I’ve heard of it, and glanced over the quick start info and cards. My initial read/gut reaction was that they seem to have made a ccg where every card is either ‘your card for the turn’ and hence very powerful, or free / wacky alternate cost and hence either weak or degenerate depending on how careful they were. That doesn’t strike me as a good foundation to grow a game from.

    I could be utterly wrong, this was based on a 15 minute skim of the rules and the sample decks on the webpage.

  3. Note to other game devs/critics out there. This could be a fine foundation to build a one-box-game from. I just think it is a pretty awful foundation for a CCG because the game has to support oodles and oodles of growth without obsoleting swaths of existing cards, power creep, etc.

  4. Mainly. Tom is the Premier TO for the Northeast, and I was curious how the game was being received. I think the prereleases are this weekend.

  5. Sam’s initial impression was that it seemed really fun for (and designed for) sealed deck / booster draft tournies, but terrible for constructed.

  6. I would buy that. My criticisms of the game hurt constructed play a lot more than they affect sealed and draft.

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