
Quote of the Day

Peter Cooper Jr.

“You know, if it weren’t for the rules, you might be winning by now.” — Jessi, to the player who ended up taking second place at the tournament I ran last night.

Quote of the Day

Peter Cooper Jr.

“I wish manufacturing had continued or shutdown had gone smoother, but if we all cross our fingers, maybe the basic technology will not disappear forever” — Wayne Westerman, inventor of the Fingerworks Touchstream keyboard which I can’t work without anymore. (Quote Source)

The company, alas, is now out of business. Rumor has it that it may have been acquired by HP, but the evidence is tenuous at best. Hopefully, whoever bought them out will bring back better and greater products sometime soon.

Random Tiredness

Peter Cooper Jr.

I am tired. I ought to be in bed. But, at least I get an extra hour tonight.

Random law I found amusing: “No person shall travel on a way with a sleigh or sled drawn by a horse, unless there are at least three bells attached to some part of the harness.” — M.G.L. Chapter 89, Section 3

Jessi Quotes

Peter Cooper Jr.

“I just wanted to make sure that you had the chance to not hear that for the right reason.” — Jessi

“Every once in a while, when I’m going somewhere, I’ll realize where I am because I see a piece of debris in the road that I recognize.” — Jessi

Jessi Quote

Peter Cooper Jr.

“Any feature that I cannot turn off is a bug” — Jessi

See many of you at Gaming Weekend!

Nothing much to report

Peter Cooper Jr.

After posting several times yesterday while learning about this thing, I find I have little to talk about today.

Went to Costa Rica Team meeting. We’ll be working at the PIP Shelter on May 8 as a team-building activity.

~@pcpc$ fortune<br /> Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until we use the ones we have?

The plan for today is to do muchness of homeworkness. But first, it is time for lunch.