
21 Years!

Peter Cooper Jr.

Wow. Today marks 21 years of marriage. I’ve been married for more than half of my life, and I still love my beautiful bride. Happy anniversary, Jessi!


Peter Cooper Jr.

Today is our seven year anniversary.

Happy anniversary, Jessi!

2009 in review

Peter Cooper Jr.

When I look back at 2009, the thing that most sticks out in my mind is the number of health issues our family has had. I’ve had some colds, Shingles, and Swine Flu. Jessi had gestational diabetes and gall bladder attacks while carrying Peter. Hannah had an infection which lead to being on antibiotics as a precaution for most of the year, and probably for most of this year as well. Peter didn’t want to nurse (likely due to posterior tongue-tie) and had jaundice and lost a significant amount of weight before finally getting back to birth weight yesterday. And those were just the most significant issues.


Peter Cooper Jr.

This is my 500th entry on LiveJournal.

Over the last 4½ years, I’ve discussed topics ranging from the controversial to the trivial. During that time, I finished school, built a house, and had a baby, among other things.

I’m still not completely sure what I’m getting out of sporadically posting on LJ, but it does seem to be useful and fun.

More Accomplishments

Peter Cooper Jr.

Today, I received notification that I’ve been officially promoted to Magic DCI Area (Level 2) Judge. (I passed the test a month ago, but now the “paperwork”‘s gone through to make it official.)

Today is also our third wedding anniversary. I still love you, Jessi!


Peter Cooper Jr.
  • Last week, I got notification that I’ve officially graduated from WPI.
  • Yesterday, my car went past the 80,000 mile mark.
  • Today, we had worship for the first time in the new expanded part of the church building.
  • Tomorrow, we should hear back about the status of our building permit.
  • Next Sunday, Jessi has a birthday.