Random Life Update

Online tracking information indicates high probability of me getting my voice-over-IP box today. I’m excited to play with that and cancel my traditional phone service.

I’ve now read through Town Meeting Time: a Handbook of Parliamentary Law, a book so tough to get that even Amazon doesn’t carry it. (The Charlton Public Library does, however.)

If news reports tonight and tomorrow confirm nobody is officially on the ballot running for Charlton Town Moderator, I’ll likely officially announce my candidacy as a write-in candidate to the press (or at least to the Charlton Gazette for inclusion in their April candidate profiles).

Local Town Politics

The Southbridge Evening News reports that nobody has taken out nomination papers for the position of Town Moderator in the town of Charlton. The deadline for taking out papers is Wednesday, and the deadline for submitting them with 50 signatures on them is Thursday. If nobody officially signs up for wanting the position, I may submit my voter registration for Charlton and start a write-in campaign. I figure with my parents, brother, wife, and self I’ve got 5 votes, and I can probably get a few more with our other contacts in town.