Judge Poll

Some background for those unfamiliar but might find this interesting anyway: The basic timing system in Magic is that when a player has “priority”, they can choose to (a) take an action, or (b) pass. If both players pass in a row, then (a) if there’s something on the stack (waiting to resolve), the top item on the stack resolves and active player get priority again, or (b) if there’s nothing on the stack, the current phase or step ends and the game moves on to the next phase. Usually, this formal description of timing is shortcutted quickly by the players, and most actual players wouldn’t be able to describe the details of how this timing system works.

The definition of “Cheating — Fraud” in the DCI Penalty Guidelines is “A player intentionally misrepresents rules, procedures, personal information, game state or any other relevant tournament information in an attempt to gain advantage.” Examples of this include intentionally lying, such as lying to a judge about what happened in a game, or lying to an opponent about one’s life total. (Bluffing about hidden information, like “You know I just have a Counterspell ready in my hand if you play that,” is fine; lying about public information, like “Sure, I take 5 damage,” when you know that you’re supposed to be taking 6 damage, is cheating.)

The poll question being asked in the DCI Judge Center:

Adam is in his Second main phase, has priority, nothing is waiting to resolve, but has taken no actions for 15 seconds while reviewing the board. Billy asks: “Can I play a Lightning Bolt now?”. Adam says “Sure”. Billy says: “Good. You passed priority. I choose not to play a Bolt. This phase is now over. Do you want to play anything during End of Turn?”. The judge should…
(a) …back up the game only at Regular REL (local store events like Friday Night Magic).
(b) …back up the game at any REL (including more competitive events like Pro Tour Qualifiers and Grand Prix events).
(c) …do nothing, this is legal.
(d) …disqualify Billy for fraud.
(e) …award an Unsporting Conduct warning to Billy and back up the game.

I was just curious if anybody here had any thoughts.

Upcoming Judging Schedule

I realized I never stated on here that I judged at Grand Prix Massachusetts, which was a lot of fun, and quite challenging, as the format was new to many players and many of the judges.

Coming up this weekend I have the Dreamblade Hartford 10K, which will be very nice as there have been no big Dreamblade events in the area. People with even a remote interest in a miniatures strategy game should learn the game, put together a warband, and come. There are cash prizes being given out to top 32, and booster pack prizes given to top 64, and I doubt we’ll break 100 players. I’ll be judging and Jessi will be playing. On Sunday, there will be a slightly smaller 1k event, which is Sealed Box, so you don’t even need to put together a warband ahead of time.

Also on Friday night, I have the Future Sight release event at Rising Phoenix Games.

Another big event coming up is that I’ve been selected to be the Head Judge of the Magic Southern New England Regional Championships. This event could quite possibly break 200 players, and it will certainly be the largest event I’ve head judged, but my tournament organizer thinks I’m up to the challenge and so do I. Plus, we’ll have a good staff (there’s plenty more to running an event of that size than just the head judge), so I think it’ll be a great experience for all involved.

And then in July, I’ve been accepted to be a judge at the Magic U.S. National Championship, which should also be a great time. I’ll probably bring Jessi along to play that weekend in the variety of side events (as well as spectate such wonders as the Game of the Year).

Judging Schedule

I’m continuing to run weekly FNM events at Rising Phoenix Games.

March 30 through April 1, I’m going to be judging at Grand Prix Massachusetts in Fitchburg. They’re actually putting me up in a hotel room while I’m there.

April 21, I’ll be judging at the Connecticut Future Sight Prerelease.

May 5 & 6, I’ll be judging at the University of Hartford Dreamblade 10K event. Also that weekend I’m supposed to run a Future Sight release event at Rising Phoenix Games, so I’m not sure how that’s going to work right now.

A lot of big, fun, exciting events coming up.

Segna tutte le risposte corrette, se ce ne sono.

Another completely random thing that I wanted to mention is that I’ve written some test questions for use on Magic and Dreamblade judge tests (they solicit questions from all judges to continually improve their question database), and while it’s taken them a while, not only are a couple of my questions actually being used on tests now, some of them have been translated into some other languages. It’s just kind of neat to see a question I wrote in Italian, Chinese, and Portugese, as I can’t read it but I know what it says, since I wrote it in the first place.

2007 Gaming/Judging Schedule so far…

And that’s just what’s on my calendar so far… I expect it to fill up more as the year continues.

Random Life Update

  • My brother moved out to Palmer a couple weeks ago to be closer to his job. With the house came a pinball machine in the basement. It’s a Williams Earthshaker, from 1989. It seems to mostly work, although the score display on it doesn’t seem to work right now. It looks like the current plan is to transport the machine to our house next weekend, and I’m going to take on the hobby of pinball machine restoring. I’m looking forward to it.
  • This weekend, I’m going to judging a Magic Grand Prix Trial and Dreamblade $1k at TJ Collectibles.
  • Jessi and I are working on filling out an adoption application. Hopefully this will accelerate our plans for growing our family.