Life Update
Last weekend, Jessi & I went to Camden, NY to visit Jessi’s relatives for the fourth of July.
There’s not much news on the house. We’re still waiting for the power poles.
Coming up on Tuesday, I’ll be judging Card Stop’s second qualifier tournament for the Magic North American Challenge. Hopefully, starting next week we’ll also have Friday Night Magic there.
Everyone wants their share of our money
We received our first property tax bill from the Town of Charlton.
Ah, the joys of being a landowner.
And speaking of maps…
Another useful mapping tool: AAA’s Fuel Price Finder. Find the cheapest gas station around. Very nifty.
Google knows all and sees all
Another Milestone Achieved
As of today, we’ve been happily married for two years.
I’m looking forward to many more years to come.
House Building Update
Last Saturday, we picked out our appliances and lighting fixtures. Jessi will have three ovens (An oven with another oven instead of a pan-drawer, and a combo microwave/convection oven over the stove). This pleases her immensely.
Today, the drywall is being installed, and the cabinets are being ordered.
Tomorrow, coverage starts on our homeowners insurance. Apparently, we should have had it a long time ago, but nobody told us and made sure we did.
Quote of the Day
“You know, if it weren’t for the rules, you might be winning by now.” — Jessi, to the player who ended up taking second place at the tournament I ran last night.
Interesting Turns of Events
It turns out that there are some places that the town clerk didn’t search before, and in 1955, Charlton Town Meeting discontinued Berry Corner Rd., from Ayers Rd. to the Sturbridge town line, from being a town road. Had we discovered this much earlier in the process, this all would have been much more difficult. However, finding it now, they can’t retroactively revoke our right to build, and it’ll be easier to get telephone poles put in because they’ll just need permission from us, and not from the town. So I guess things are going alright with it, it’s just… odd.
House Building Update
Drywall is expected to be delivered late this week, so it looks like the internals of the house may be done in just a few weeks.
The main problem, as one might expect, is with Verizon. They need to put a telephone pole on our part of Berry Corner Rd. in order to give us power and data lines. However, they hadn’t realized that it’s a town road, so they hadn’t started the process of asking the town for permission to place the pole. (That involves a public hearing, with probably registered mail to the abutters and such. Luckily, the abutters probably won’t have a problem with it. :) They still haven’t been convinced that it’s not a town road yet, but we’re working on it. (We have documentation from the Charlton town clerk.) But it could be 6 weeks before we get our power and data lines in.