Imported From Livejournal

Happy Tax Day

Peter Cooper Jr.

While I (and many others) got my taxes filed long ago, when most Americans think of April 15, the first thing that comes to mind is that it’s the day that income tax returns are due.

So, in honor of today, here’s a link to IRS Form 1040 for the tax year 1913. I, at least, found it somewhat interesting. (It’s likely some sort of reproduction seeing as the PDF hadn’t been invented at that time, and it doesn’t look like a scan, but it’s posted on the IRS web site, so I assume that it’s representative of the real thing.)

Random Life Update

Peter Cooper Jr.
  • I judged at the Epic 5K on Mar. 28, and while I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was, I had a good time and learned a lot about the game. We had 99 players, which exceeded expectations, so that’s a good sign for the game.
  • I did leave a bit early as I was feeling sick, which lasted for a few days. That wasn’t fun.
  • As a thanks for judging, I received a promotional Epic card. I decided that it should be my first item to attempt to sell on eBay. It seems to be going well so far.
  • Hannah continues to grow quickly. I’ve got to get around to posting pictures sometime.
  • The Telegram today reports that MassDEP has approved the Southbridge Industrial Park access road that comes from Rte. 169 (and thus not through our land). So, it seems likely that Southbridge will continue with the project. One never knows with these things, though.


Peter Cooper Jr.

Charter apparently just added WSBK-DT (channel 38, in digital form) to their wires, meaning that I can now view high-definition Jeopardy without needing to add a UHF antenna as big as a cell tower to my house. It’s not on the lineup on their web site or on TV listings services yet, but it’s on the wire at clear-QAM 114-10. Presumably their cable boxes will map that to 788, but since I don’t use a cable box, I care about the actual frequency that the digital stream is on.

Quote of the Day

Peter Cooper Jr.

“There are 1011 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it’s only a hundred billion. It’s less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.” — Richard Feynman

News on Southbridge Industrial Park

Peter Cooper Jr.

Today’s Telegram & Gazette reports that a business wants to move into the Southbridge Industrial Park, and wants the access road completed as soon as possible. The access road they’re referring to is the one from Rte. 169 (not going near our land), and has a pending appeal to MassDEP that may be resolved within the month.

Best case for us would be that the appeal causes the people wanting the access road to consider the alternative that comes from Rte. 20 and through our land. I find that scenario unlikely, but one can always hope.