Imported From Livejournal

Much Wedge funness

Peter Cooper Jr.

Went to Wedge. Had much funness. Played Zendo, Bohnanza, and Bang. Muchness of fun all around.

Tomorrow, will work on homework & research project. Also, we have a Costa Rica team meeting in the morning. But now is time for bed.

Random Rambling: The glorious days of ICQ

Peter Cooper Jr.

When I asked “Why LJ” in jjlc‘s journal, pezzonovante posted an ancedote about ICQ. It got me thinking about years and years ago, when most people hadn’t even heard of the Internet. I was on ICQ then. I went to ICQ’s web site today and saw ICQ ID numbers in the 9 digits. When I was on ICQ, my number was 6 digits. I’m fairly certain that the first digit was a 1 or 2.

LJ Interface woes

Peter Cooper Jr.

Well, I know that I haven’t been using this for very long, but I already think that their interface is suboptimal.

  • While the Friends List aggregates people’s posts, it doesn’t do a good job of showing me what entries and comments are not yet read… I have to wade through the list to find what might interest me, and if there are any unread comments.
  • I want some connection between comments I leave on other people’s pages and on my entries here… I reply to something somewhere else that made me think of something, but I kinda want to crosspost it to a journal entry as it’s of general interest and what I am thinking at the time. Plus, if I have something to say in a comment somewhere, there’s a possibility that it won’t really get seen by people who don’t check the comments pages of my friends. Something just seems off here, and I’m not really sure what it is or what the solution is.
  • There’s no link from my journal for me to post to it.
  • The spell checker doesn’t understand contractions
  • Journal entries display local time (Eastern); comments display server time (Pacific).
  • There’s no preview-post feature for journal entries, although there is for comments
  • Web pages are not valid HTML (just a minor pet peeve)
  • And that’s just what I’ve found in half a day.

I want things to work more like my mail/newsreader, where only unread messages are seen, and threaded, and all my inbound communications is in one place.

Current & Future events

Peter Cooper Jr.

As people want to keep up-to-date on what’s going on, here’s my timeline for the future:

Right now
Procrastinating working on my Grad. Research Project
Apr. 30
Done with Grad. School. Done.
Apr. 30
Running my 2nd Magic: the Gathering Sealed Deck Tournament
May 3
Start working at Checkerboard full time.
May 16
Go to ‘s graduation ceremony at WSC
May 22
Go to my graduation ceremony at WPI
July 31 – Aug. 9
Trip to Costa Rica with , CBC, and CFCI. (I love acronyms)
In about a year or so
Move into new house in Charlton (next to my parents’ house)

First Post

Peter Cooper Jr.

Well, I’ve decided that enough people think that this is a useful tool for keeping up to date on each other that I figure I’ll try it, at least for a while. Perhaps this journal will become a continuing quest to discover exactly what its usefulness is.

Although, I’m starting to see it. Not quite, but I can start to see why people find it popular, although some aspects (current music? separate clients?) still baffle me.