Imported From Livejournal

One of the greatest RPGs of all time

Peter Cooper Jr.

On Sunday I started playing Final Fantasy III again (It’s FF VI in Japan, but I’m playing the American version). For those not familiar, it’s an RPG that was on the Super Nintendo ages ago. It has a bunch of great characters, a great plot, and some great lines. It really brings you in and throws you some curveballs. I’ve played it before, but always got to busy with other things to finish it and ended up forgetting what it was I was supposed to be doing in it. Hopefully now that I’m no longer a full-time student, I can find the time to go through it all. It’s long. I’m playing it on an emulator on my computer, but since I own the physical game cartridge as well I doubt anyone minds.

Pete’s been busy

Peter Cooper Jr.

Wow. I start working full-time and then my posts stop for several days. Especially notable as I’ve tried to update every day since I decided to try writing in this crazy thing.

Sunday, May 2, 2004

We went to church, then went to my parents’ house. I cleaned out 4 large trash bags of junk from my old room so that it can be an office for my mom. Saw my parents’ new computer. It runs Windows XP Home Edition, which is just different enough from Professional for me to not be able to figure anything out quickly.

A weekend to relax…

Peter Cooper Jr.

Yesterday, I spent most of the morning and afternoon finishing my Logic homework (9 typed pages of math!), and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening preparing for and running my Magic tournament. We had 15 people show up for the tournament, and it was a lot of fun.

Today, I get to relax. We went to Shaw’s because Jessi needed some groceries and I needed to deposit the entrance fees I collected from the tournament (including the coins from one person who paid using exclusively pennies, nickels, and dimes).


Peter Cooper Jr.

About 40 minutes ago, I just punched my last punch at the time clock at Checkerboard. I start full-time salaried on Monday.

Between now and then, I finish up my final Logic class homework that’s due at noon tomorrow, I run my tournament, and I relax over the weekend.

Another boring post

Peter Cooper Jr.

Went to work. Went to last logic class. Had homemade meatball white pizza for supper. Did some homework. Went to SFS meeting. Watched Enterprise.

Should I bother posting anything on days that nothing of note happened? (At least, nothing worthy enough of note that I remembered it.)

I had today off from work.

Peter Cooper Jr.

I slept in late. Wasted much time on Internet this morning. In afternoon, started working on Logic class final project. It’s about developing the proof theory for the sequent calculus of system T. Yeah, I know you don’t really care, but I find it quite interesting. In evening, went to pasta dinner and Multitude at CA.

Tomorrow, I get to go to work, go to class, do homework, and watch a new episode of Enterprise. Anyone’s welcome to come over at 8 to watch it with me if they want.

Obligatory Daily Post

Peter Cooper Jr.

One of the interesting things about starting a LJ is that I feel some sort of need to update it on a regular basis (that is, daily or so). I’m not sure why. Perhaps it simply serves as a good way to think through the events of the day and summarize them, as much for me as for anyone else.

While I still don’t fully understand it, I do like this thing. It doesn’t seem logical, but neither is life sometimes.

And Life.

Peter Cooper Jr.

Life can be full of twists and turns.


We went to church, and then to my parents’ house for lunch as we generally do. My parents’ computer was all virus-infested and unhappy, so I reformatted it. Came home, napped. Went to the GSO‘s Casino Night. I played some Roulette and dealt Blackjack for an hour. I discovered that, yes, the house always wins in the long run. The only way to win is to work for the house. So that’s what I did. We came away with some nice conversation pieces and knicknacks.

Summer Travelling

Peter Cooper Jr.

asks, are you going to Costa Rica?

Yes. and I are going on a trip with a team from Charlton Baptist Church in conjunction with Christ for the City International. We’ll probably be doing some construction work, working with children, and other random things that we don’t know yet. I’ve gone twice before (in the summers of 1999 and 2002), and it’s a very rewarding experience. The people there are so amazingly friendly and fun to be with. We’ll be leaving on July 31 and coming back on August 9. We need to raise over $2000 for the two of us to go, so if you want to help send us away for a week by making a donation, contact me and I’ll send you details.

Homework & Gaming

Peter Cooper Jr.

I managed to spend a few hours today working on my research project. Hopefully I can get more done tomorrow.

I also started organizing our calendar and contacts in Outlook, in the hopes that we’ll be able to import them into the Palm when it arrives.

Tonight we went to the Wedge for gaming. I played Apples to Apples, Set, and Vinci. Had much fun. I look forward to my tournament next week.

But now time to go to bed. Tomorrow is time for more homework.