Imported From Livejournal

Most insane game of Magic in recent memory

Peter Cooper Jr.

Jessi and I decided to play our own Sealed Deck game with the packs she had won at the prerelease. We each took 4 packs, built a deck from them, and played.

The first game I don’t really remember that well, but she won.

The second game was insane. At the end of the game, I had 356 life to my wife’s 2. However, I did not win. She won because she had a Condescend to answer my Beacon of Immortality so I ran out of cards.

Jessi rolls surprise check… critical success!

Peter Cooper Jr.

I recieved a phone call at work today from my wife. Everything was okay, but someone had tried to break into our apartment. “Luckily”, she heard the commotion and went to check it out, which caused the breaker-and-enterer to flee once he realized that the apartment was in fact occupied. Nothing was taken, we are both fine, and the only thing broken was the lock on the door (which was quickly replaced with a stronger one by our wonderful landlord). Read the first-hand account.

Random update

Peter Cooper Jr.

I haven’t updated in a few days, but I’m not completely certain if I have anything to say that people would be interested in. So, some random highlights of my life:

  • Went to Grandma’s house for Memorial Day. Ate food, then went with family to play Softball. Our team won 22–20, which mainly shows that none of us can field a ball. But it was fun. Jessi & I are now sore and sunburned.
  • I recently won an 8th-ed draft on Magic Online. I also lost a few drafts in the first round, so I don’t know how much it counts for.
  • Today was Tasty Tuesday at work (yes, I know that it’s Wednesday). Our department was hosting. We brought in much foodness, including some delicious pudding pies that my wife made.

Yesterday through this weekend, plus digital tolls.

Peter Cooper Jr.

Yesterday my wife and I went to the Olive Garden to celebrate our 11 month anniversary. While the food and service was excellent, I threw it back up later that night, so we may not be going back there for our 1-year anniversary next month.

Today was a nice day of relaxation. I played in an 888 Magic draft online (got a really nice black-blue flying deck, snagged some nice rares too, but lost in the first round), we had a leisurely breakfast of sausage and English muffins, and we went grocery shopping.

Feeling much better

Peter Cooper Jr.

I managed to sleep through last night, and I feel fine today, so it looks like my illness has passed. Life is going pretty good.

Tonight we went shopping for lots and lots of food. I played around on the MTGO beta server in a 7th-ed 8-man draft and won it. I’d post details, but I doubt anyone really cares that much. Too bad it doesn’t count for anything, but it’s good experience. And much fun.

General Unhappiness

Peter Cooper Jr.

Well, I took today off from work because I haven’t been feeling well. Ever since my long days this past weekend playing Magic and getting certified as a judge, I haven’t been able to sleep very well and my stomach has sometimes been bothering me. I feel better now, but still can’t get to sleep :(

During my day off, I spent some time on the Magic Online beta server, doing much better than I’ve ever done in real life when it doesn’t really count for anything. I made top 8 in a 256-player 7th-ed-sealed tournament before the server crashed and decided to never start the top 8 draft. I also watched the season finale of Enterprise. I also tried resting somewhat, because I can tell that I needed it, but as I said, I’m having trouble sleeping.

Bringer of the Fifth Dawn

Peter Cooper Jr.

Well, I went to the Fifth Dawn Prerelease this weekend. Saturday I played in 2 32-player tournaments with and Randall. Both times, I won 3 matches and lost 2, which put me just below the line to win prizes. I had fun, though, and Jessi and Randall both won some prizes. Oddly enough, in both tournaments I was paired to play against Jessi, but in both cases I beat her. Yet, she walked away with prizes and I didn’t. That’s how these things work sometimes.

More boring facts; plus an invitation

Peter Cooper Jr.

This week was quite busy. I stayed late at work on Monday and had to go in Thursday night to fix problems. Full-time work takes much more time than part-time work. But, the week is over now, so it is time for the weekend!

We are going to the Fifth Dawn Prerelease tomorrow (More Info). If anyone wants to come with us, meet us in the parking lot of the laundry place and Boomers by the intersection of Highland and Boynton at 8:00am sharp. I don’t know when we’ll be back, or if anyone will read this between now and then, but if you want to get a ride and work on our schedule, and we at least somewhat know you, you’re more than welcome to come with us.

Random Rambling: LJ inadequacies

Peter Cooper Jr.

I ranted on this a little when I first started using LJ, and I’ve mentioned things here and there that bothered me, and some of the things that bothered me got fixed. So, I figured that I’d put my current comprehensive list in one place:

  • While the Friends List aggregates people’s posts, it doesn’t do a good job of showing me what entries and comments are not yet read… I have to wade through the list to find what might interest me, and if there are any unread comments.
  • The spell checker doesn’t understand contractions.
  • The spell checker doesn’t understand HTML.
  • The spell checker doesn’t understand UTF-8 (which is the default). That is, if you type anything that’s not in the ASCII 128-character set, it confuses the spell-checker.
  • Journal entries display local time (Eastern); comments display server time (Pacific).
  • The update journal form sets the time by default to the time that you start updating. I’d prefer it to simply puts in the server time of the time that you post it if you don’t specify a time to override it with. Sometimes I’ll spend hours between starting a post and finishing it because I’m doing other things, and then I sometimes write about those things I’m doing, but each time I finish writing a post I have to go set the time on it to the current time.
  • There’s no way for a visitor to ask a question and/or start a conversation topic on “my” page… Visitors can only comment on what I’ve started. While I’d certainly want this to be an optional feature, there’s something here that seems missing. There’s no easy search feature to grep through your journal (not that I saw, anyway, while trying to construct this post)

Maybe the way I want LJ to work just isn’t how the rest of the world does. Although, for some parts that I want to be different, I don’t have a good description of what it is exactly that I want to change. Perhaps I should look at some of the other logging sites out there to see if I like one of them better. (Google recently launched one.)