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Bowling is fun

Peter Cooper Jr.

After getting more comments than I ever dreamed possible when posting something controversial, I think I will now post something slightly less controversial: Bowling is fun.

I took Jessi, Ben, and Cheri bowling Sunday afternoon. Jessi, having grown up in New York and thus outside of New England proper, had never seen Candlepin Bowling before, so we had to introduce her. Plus, it seemed like a fun activity for us all.

We played two games, and the scores were quite close in both of them. For the second game, we had the kiddie rails up that prevent balls from going in the gutter, so our scores where higher, but very very close to each other.

Corporations are odd

Peter Cooper Jr.

So, I’ve been paying about $50 a month for 768K cable Internet through Charter ($10 of which was for basic cable, and $40 of which was for the Internet access). I was playing around on their web site and noticed that I could sign up in my area now and get 3 megabit access for the $40 a month. (My current 768K plan seemed to no longer be available.) So I just called them up and asked if I could get the faster speed at my current rate. The answer was yes, plus they’d give me 2 months of free access just for upgrading.

Independence Weekend

Peter Cooper Jr.

All in all, we’ve had a fun weekend. On Friday, we went with a bunch of people to PJ’s and to see Troy. The movie was mostly random violence interspersed with short sex scenes, so I guess it was probably a fairly accurate account of the story and of the time period.

On Saturday, we went to my parents’ house for a traditional extended-family cookout. Was a bunch of fun and good food.


Peter Cooper Jr.

I’ve been losing my voice over the past few days, and my throat’s been sore to go along with it. Last night I had a bout of insomnia, and didn’t get to sleep until about 3:30, giving me about 2½ hours of sleep. I did manage to get some homework done while I was failing to sleep. I did take a 1½ hour nap yesterday after supper, which I suppose mitigates the problem somewhat. But it is much less sleep than I need, I am now tired. And I have to go to work now.

Random Rambling: Gay Marraige

Peter Cooper Jr.

I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while now, as I’ve been trying to work out exactly what I think about this issue. I also work at a company that now produces a line of gay wedding invitations. I don’t want to offend people or get people mad at each other, but I wanted to make sure people know where I stand.

I believe that homosexual_ity_ is wrong. I believe this to be a clear teaching from the Bible, which is what I use as my authority on moral issues.

One year of wedded bliss

Peter Cooper Jr.

Today marks our one-year anniversary. It’s been a wonderful year, and I look forward to the years to come.

Over the weekend I didn’t get much “productive” accomplished, but I spent time with my lovely wife, including a picnic lunch at Pergatory Chasm. Is good.

Upcoming weekend

Peter Cooper Jr.

I seem to only be updating this thing on weekends now. During the week tends to be fairly unnoteworthy, but here’s a couple highlights of my week so far:

  • Got stuff accomplished at work
  • Fingerworks released new firmware for my keyboard, which includes XWinder support under Windows 2000. Much happiness!
  • We received word that our Costa Rica trip is now fully sponsored and paid for. We have all the money we need. Much happiness again!
  • On Thursday, I attended the Magic Online Birthday Party, during which I entered two 8th-ed drafts and got to the semi-finals in each one. That means that I paid 3 packs to get in and won 2 packs in each of them, so between that and the cards that I drafted I think I about broke even. It was fun.
  • On Friday, I went over to the in-laws with Jessi and we had supper with her parents. We then went to Prof. Yang’s house (she’s one of Jessi’s professors) and watched Crossfire, a 1947 murder mystery movie. It was quite enjoyable, although I found it difficult to keep track of the many characters.

Plans for the rest of this weekend:

Weekend Festivities

Peter Cooper Jr.

So, Friday evening my wife and I helped out at BattleCry @ WPI 5 by being the Guardians Of The Food (collecting tickets) and my helping reset the field. This year’s game involves a holding bin of 18 dodgeball-type balls above each alliance station, and filling them each match can get a bit tiring and challenging. But it was much fun.

Saturday morning we went to Battlecry to help out more. Then we went home, got changed, and went to ‘s wedding. It was quite lovely. Then, we went home, I changed again, and we went shopping at Wal-Mart. Then Jessi went to the pre-dinner reception while I helped out at the elimination rounds at Battlecry. Our own Team 190 lost in the semi-finals, and the exciting final match was won by teams 181 and 177. Then I went back to the reception to socialize and have dinner. The reception was very yummy and lots of fun. Then Jessi and I went back home.

Battlecry tonight

Peter Cooper Jr.

Week so far has been relatively uneventful, although we’ve had peoples over for supper occasionally, which was fun.

Tonight I intend to help out at BattleCry @ WPI 5, which everyone should come to.

Saturday we’re going to imets‘s wedding. Congratulations and good luck, Irma!

Week in review

Peter Cooper Jr.

Highlights of this week:

  • I got sick off-and-on for a couple days, feeling nauseous and just generally not-good.
  • I reformatted my computer at work.
  • I came home yesterday to find that my wife had cleaned our apartment. A very significant, complete cleaning. I was very impressed. I’m still not sure I’m in the right apartment.
  • This morning my wife and I went to the church for a Costa Rica Team teambuilding activity: Working on the expansion to the church. More accurately, we were mostly working on taking apart a large chunk of roof that had been removed from the existing building. Apparently, we’re not going to be needing that particular chunk anymore.