Imported From Livejournal

These are a few of my favorite things…

Peter Cooper Jr.

Next on the list, asked:

For each of the following sets of things, list your favorite and explain why…
1) Star Trek: TNG episode

Hmm… This is a tough one. I’ve looked through the entire episode listing, and I just can’t pick just one… There’s so many good choices here. Sorry…

2) Bible verse

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5–6

SirRoxton asks me about spritual things

Peter Cooper Jr.

And now, I’ll answer questions that asked:

Ah, but this meme is more than simply an excuse to ask questions. Involvement is like giving people an invitation to really dig, like getting involved in Truth or Dare. In turn, I think of this as a personal challenge to think of difficult questions I might not otherwise ask.

Well, I would have thought that our friendships were open and honest enough to always allow these sorts of questions at any time. I never really understood the point of games like Truth or Dare. But, if you use it as a tool to think about others and things you want to know more about, I suppose it could be useful.

Jessi Quotes

Peter Cooper Jr.

“I just wanted to make sure that you had the chance to not hear that for the right reason.” — Jessi

“Every once in a while, when I’m going somewhere, I’ll realize where I am because I see a piece of debris in the road that I recognize.” — Jessi

Questions from Bronzite

Peter Cooper Jr.

Well asked to ask people questions. I took him up on his offer. Other people are certainly welcome to ask me more questions, and if you really want I could try to think of questions to ask you.

1. If you had the opportunity to have a company sponsor your Ph.D., and living expenses while you go it, but you had to quit your current job, would you do it?

Now, Look at JPEGs

Peter Cooper Jr.

I have Pictures from Costa Rica! I found a reasonable photo gallery program that let me be lazy, and decided to host them off my computer anyway. Maybe one day I’ll scan in some of our wedding pictures and post them as well.

Right now, there’s a folder there per roll of film, and the pictures are not labeled or organized in any way. Perhaps, one day, it might get fixed.

Don’t look at JPEGs

Peter Cooper Jr.

In one of the most impressive acts of Microsoft incompetence I’ve ever seen, there’s a bug in Microsoft’s handling of JPEGs that would allow even looking at an image to take over your computer. I suggest that those running Microsoft software read the bulletin and get patched.

Costa Rica Pictures

Peter Cooper Jr.

So, I have pictures that Jessi and I took in Costa Rica, although many came out fuzzy or with fingers in front of the lens. I also have a copy of the pictures that were from the team camera. I would like to share these pictures with other people. The problem is, these pictures total over 150 megs, and I’m not sure where to host them. Yahoo’s got a photo service, but the UI stinks and you can’t get the full-size picture back from them. (They have thumbnails, and you can click the thumbnail to get a slightly larger picture, but I don’t think they store or let you get back the full-size picture again. At least, I couldn’t figure out how.)

House Update

Peter Cooper Jr.

So, yesterday, Jessi, my parents, and I chatted with a Builder person. We chatted over the possibilities, and we’re now planning on having a built-there house instead of a built-off-site-and-shipped-there house. We think that building it there reduces the risk of damage during shipment and increases our options and customizability.

This week, we should be getting approval from the Board of Health and Conservation Commission. After that, we just need to get a loan, clear the land, put down hay bales, dig a well, get utility poles put in, get a building permit, and build a house.

Busy Weekend

Peter Cooper Jr.

Friday after work, we had Julia and Ryan over for supper, and then we went to Gaming Weekend and played muchness of games.

Saturday morning, Jessi went with her family garage saleing. In the afternoon, Jessi, her sister, and I went to Gaming Weekend for my tournament. 16 people showed up, and it was a lot of fun. Oddly enough, the final championship-deciding match came down to Jessi vs. her sister. Jessi won. (See final results)

Jessi Quote

Peter Cooper Jr.

“Any feature that I cannot turn off is a bug” — Jessi

See many of you at Gaming Weekend!