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Life Update

Peter Cooper Jr.

The house is continuing to come along, slowly but surely. The carpets are in, the wood floors are being finished, and the appliances should be arriving early next week. This weekend, we’ll be moving in many things from my parents’ garage. Some things will probably be in their actual location, but many things will likely end up being in our garage.

Also this weekend is Charlton Baptist Church’s Free Market. Jessi and I will be helping out there. Stop by there in the morning, say hello, and pick up something free.

House Building Update

Peter Cooper Jr.

Yesterday: Carpets were installed.
Today: Electricity is supposed to be hooked up.
Tomorrow: Linoleum is supposed to be installed.
Friday or early next week: Sanding of wood floors, and installation of appliances.

Looks like things might be moving again. Maybe.

Al…most… there…

Peter Cooper Jr.

The phone company managed to put in one pole today (Horray!), but they still need to replace the one across the street that will connect to it.

But some progress has been made, at least.

Carpeting/Linoleum should be arriving this week. Finishing up the wood flooring is blocked on getting power. (Apparently the extension cord to my parents’ house isn’t enough for powering their big sanding machines, or something.)

A Magic Weekend

Peter Cooper Jr.

On Saturday, we went to the North American Challenge finals at Milford, which Jessi had qualified for on Wednesday. Luckily, they took me on as a judge that day so I had something to do there. Jessi didn’t fare so well, unfortunately. They had brought in Sheldon Menery, a level 5 (“Professional level”) judge from the Maryland/Virginia area, as the Head Judge. We were ridiculously overstaffed, as there were 8 of us for a 90 player tournament, but that helped everything go relatively smoothly.

Hurricane Katrina

Peter Cooper Jr.

I certainly pray and wish all the best for the people being tormented by Hurricane Katrina.

At the same time, I have to wonder about the wisdom of building a large city below sea level. What did these people expect would happen?

Happy Birthday, Windows 95

Peter Cooper Jr.

Windows 95 was launched 10 years ago today.

It was a major improvement over what there was 10 years prior, and what we have now is so much better than Windows 95.

I wonder where we’ll be in another 10 years…

Question of the Day: Who owns “our” road?

Peter Cooper Jr.
If you take Berry Corner Rd. from Rte. 169 to my parents’ house, here’s what you see: The road turns to the left up Ayers Rd. (If you didn’t know about it, you would just think that the road curved, not that you changed roads.) Continuing straight goes down an unpaved portion of what is now or formerly still Berry Corner Rd. (Down this road is our house’s driveway.) Turning to the right would go down my parents’ driveway.

So, there’s this unpaved portion of Berry Corner Rd., which goes from my parents’ driveway and through to Sturbridge.

House Building Update

Peter Cooper Jr.

Latest Estimates:

  • Utility pole: Friday
  • Linoleum: Next week
  • Carpeting: The following week

The accuracy of these estimates is unknown.

The quality of service from companies based in Charlton has been wonderful. The quality of service from companies not based in Charlton has been awful.

Random Rambling: Usenet

Peter Cooper Jr.

I recently got to thinking that many of the deficiencies in blogs, or at least LJ’s implementation of them, could be solved using Usenet. News readers understand only showing unread things, and people could just reply to posts to comment on them, and then I’d see the replies. I’d kind of like each person to have their own personal newsgroup. Plus, people would be able to start discussions on other people’s groups, which might make some sense in some circumstances. I’m not sure how well it’d fit into the current implementation of Usenet, so it might need to be its own hierarchy on a private server or something. And maybe there could be an RSS/News gateway to read other blogs and for others to read it who aren’t Usenet-savvy. But it somehow Usenet feels like the right tool for the job. Or at least, better than this mismatch of incompatible blogging systems that don’t support the user’s experience. I could just subscribe to what I want, and then read it with the rest of my news.