Imported From Livejournal

What’s in a .name?

Peter Cooper Jr.

It continues to amaze me how often people get confused when I tell
them that my email address is I’ve
received comments like “You mean,” and “What’s .name?”. I
had some issues setting things up with my hosting company since they
hadn’t handled a .name domain before.

The .name top-level-domain has been around for 3 years now, with
planning for it several years prior to that. What do people expect a
personal domain to end with? Am I really the only person who uses

Another Magic tournament report

Peter Cooper Jr.

Yesterday, Jessi and I went to a Magic Grand Prix Trial with a Ravnica sealed deck format. Out of 40 players, Jessi came in 25th, but I went 4–2, coming in 10th, just missing the Top 8 booster draft. But I won more than I lost, and I did good enough to be in the prizes. It’s boosted my confidence in playing Magic enough that I think we’re going to take a short vacation to play in Grand Prix Richmond the first weekend of February. It should be fun at least, as there are a lot of events there, even if we don’t win anything.

The magical land of Narnia

Peter Cooper Jr.

I saw the new Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie last night in a special prescreening put on by the Worcester Collegiate Christian Network. I highly recommend it.

Request for Physical Addresses

Peter Cooper Jr.

Some people I know have moved since last year. Some of you more than once. I’m working on updating our contact database for the purpose of sending Christmas cards out. If you think we may not have your physical mail address, and you’d like a Christmas card from us, then please email your address to

Thank you.