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Where my taxes went: 2009

Peter Cooper Jr.

A couple years ago I constructed a graph of what percentage of my total tax expenditure went where, and I decided to do the same thing for 2009. My tax situation is a bit different now, as since my last chart I’ve had kids and I purchased a significant amount of land from my parents. This shows out of all the taxes that I keep track of, which agency gets how much of my total taxes. This includes taxes on income in 2009 (modified by refunds received in 2010 for the 2009 tax year), taxes on assets, and sales taxes that I kept track of. This does not include other taxes on expenditures like gas tax, cable tax, meals tax, or sales tax where I didn’t enter the sales tax amount as an itemized split into my finance program (since I’m not worried about tracking it that closely). I would have preferred a pie chart, as it’s more customary for this kind of thing, but it’s hard to show a negative percentage in there very well. Total appears to not be 100.00% due to rounding.
[2009 Tax Expenditure Graph]

The Charlton Town Moderator Race

Peter Cooper Jr.

The race to be Charlton’s next town moderator is now a three-way affair, with me being challenged by Joshua Evans and Carl Kaliszewski. The deadline for getting nomination papers in with signatures is today, although the Town Clerk’s office isn’t generally open on Fridays. As of Wednesday morning, neither of them had submitted their papers yet, but I assume that they have by now.

Campaign signs have started popping up around town this week, so we started deploying our signs as well.

Charlton Town Elections

Peter Cooper Jr.

I made a phone call to the Town Clerk this morning to see who’s taken out nomination papers so far.

Joseph Szafarowicz took out papers to run for selectman against Mr. Boria. He’s the person who ran unsuccessfully for selectman against Mr. Swensen last year.

A Joshua Evans has taken out papers to run for Moderator against me.

I expect to turn in my nomination papers to the town hall this evening. This could be a very interesting ballot in May.

Random Life Update

Peter Cooper Jr.
  • Well, 2010 hasn’t been much kinder in the health department so far. A few weeks ago, Hannah, Jessi, and I were sick with something for a couple days, and this week my wife and I have had a cold/cough/sore-throat that hasn’t been fun.
  • On the plus side, last week Peter decided that he would start breastfeeding regularly after all. This is very good news.
  • This week, I officially took out nomination papers to get elected as Moderator at the upcoming May 1 election. I have about a month to collect 44 signatures from registered voters of Charlton. I’m also contemplating officially creating a campaign committee, but I may wait and see if the race will be contested first.
  • This weekend, for our Valentine’s weekend date, my wife and I will be attending a Magic Judge draft. The premise is that some people will be playing and some will be judging, and the people playing are going to try to cheat in various ways to see if the people judging can catch them. It’s a training exercise that sounds like a lot of fun.
  • And speaking of judging, I’m definitely looking forward to judging at PAX East. Tentatively, I’ll be on the evening shift on Friday and Saturday. I should have some time there to enjoy the rest of the show when I’m not on duty, too. I only wish that my wife could come.

Random Life Update

Peter Cooper Jr.
  • Peter’s posterior tongue-tie got corrected yesterday. He went through the procedure well (it’s really a rather simple procedure), and has more tongue movement now. It still remains to be seen if it’ll help him breastfeed.
  • I’ll be judging the Magic Worldwake prerelease in Hartford on January 30, and I’ll be judging a variety of Magic events at PAX Boston in March.
  • Hannah’s learning new words and skills every day. It’s really quite amazing to watch.
  • I’m very excited that Scott Brown has a shot at winning the Senate seat. I don’t agree with him on everything, but he’ll be much better than the alternative.

2009 in review

Peter Cooper Jr.

When I look back at 2009, the thing that most sticks out in my mind is the number of health issues our family has had. I’ve had some colds, Shingles, and Swine Flu. Jessi had gestational diabetes and gall bladder attacks while carrying Peter. Hannah had an infection which lead to being on antibiotics as a precaution for most of the year, and probably for most of this year as well. Peter didn’t want to nurse (likely due to posterior tongue-tie) and had jaundice and lost a significant amount of weight before finally getting back to birth weight yesterday. And those were just the most significant issues.

Peter at 2½ weeks

Peter Cooper Jr.

Today’s been my first day back at work since Peter was born. After 2½ weeks, he’s still not feeding well from the breast, and hasn’t been gaining weight. He’s still not back at his birth weight (which ideally happens by around 1 week). We’re working on feeding him a lot via bottles so that he can get some more calories in him. But that’s a lot more work, and we still have to take care of Hannah, too.

[Technical] “Wiretapping” with VOIP

Peter Cooper Jr.

We do have an appointment with a lactation specialist on Monday, and I spent a good chunk of Friday calling between the doctor’s office and the insurance company to see if they’ll be covering part of the cost. We likely won’t find out before we go, however. But, the experience inspired me to do something I’d been thinking of doing for a while for situations such as these: hooking my computer up to record phone calls to companies.

Quote of the Day

Peter Cooper Jr.
“CAUTION: These diapers, like almost any article of clothing including cloth diapers, will burn if exposed to flame. For your child’s safety, always keep the child away from any source of flame.”
— Warning on Walmart’s “Parent’s Choice” brand diaper boxes

The First Week

Peter Cooper Jr.

The first week with Peter with us has been quite an adventure. I think that difficulty of raising children is multiplicative rather than additive. (That is, if one could quantify the effort in raising one child as 10, then the effort in raising two children is much closer to 100 than it is to 20.) Part of the trouble is that Peter hasn’t much wanted to drink milk straight from the source, so we’ve been feeding him pumped milk and formula, primarily with syringes and then bottles. He had lost more than the average amount of weight before starting to gain again on Wednesday night, and has had some Jaundice, so the doctors have been monitoring him on a regular basis. If all goes well, today will be the first day that he won’t visit a medical facility of some sort for checking bili levels and weight. (Although phrasing it that way makes it sound more ominous than it was. Things were going mostly okay, we just needed to monitor things to ensure that they started getting better rather than worse.)