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Dreamblade Standings

Peter Cooper Jr.

After the ratings have been processed from our most recent Dreamblade event in Montreal, Jessi is ranked 2 out of 49 in the state, and ranked 284 out of 5659 in the world. And, she now officially has over 1000 points, which earns her an invite to the Dreamblade Championship.

The plan now is to try to convince Wizards to sponsor me as a judge there to help defray the cost of both of us going to Gen Con Indy.

Quote of the Day

Peter Cooper Jr.

“A motion to open the budget and consider it by line item, rather than as a whole, failed to gain majority support.” — Worcester Telegram & Gazette, on the one motion at last night’s Town Meeting that failed.

I was the one at Town Meeting that offered that motion.

The Dreamblade adventures continue

Peter Cooper Jr.

Last Sunday, Jessi and I went to Montreal for a Dreamblade 1k event. (There aren’t any more major Dreamblade events in the New England area.) Jessi did quite well, finishing 3rd, earning $100 (which covers part of the cost of the trip up there), and earning enough points to qualify for the Dreamblade $50,000 Championship.

The Championship is at Gen Con Indy in August. So, I guess now we need to figure out how we’re getting there, where we’re staying there, and I’m going to see if I can get sponsored to judge there. But even if I’m not, I think I’ll still go, since Gen Con should be fun regardless.

Tip of the day: Remap keys you don’t use

Peter Cooper Jr.

I never press the Caps Lock or Insert keys on my keyboard intentionally.

Years ago, before my Touchstream, I did this trick to remove them. Now that I’m back to an awful standard keyboard, I Googled it up again.

Remapping keys in Windows.

My Scancode Map is “00000000 00000000 03000000 00003A00 000052E0 00000000”, which disables the Caps Lock and Insert keys.

Dreamblade last weekend

Peter Cooper Jr.

We went to the Dreamblade 10k in Hartford this past weekend. I finally got a chance a judge some Dreamblade, and was the head judge of the side-event 1k on Sunday (which was really the only thing happening there on Sunday besides the top 8 playoff of the main 10k event).

An interesting side effect is that this weekend’s tournaments have put Jessi at 866 points, just shy of the 1000 needed to qualify for the 50k Championship at Gencon. So this weekend, after attending her sister’s graduation on Saturday in Maine, we’re seriously considering heading to Montreal on Sunday to participate in another 1k. (There aren’t any more significant Dreamblade events in the New England region.) She just needs to come in the top 16 (earning 150 points) to qualify, and usually 1k attendence isn’t much higher than that. Even coming in top 32 (earning 100 points) would probably allow her to qualify if we manage to travel to some local store tournaments in Connecticut.

WTB: Laptop

Peter Cooper Jr.

I’d like to buy cheap used laptop that can handle Word, web browsing, and DCI Reporter. Please let me know if somebody has one sitting around they’d like to get rid of.

Reply from the Postmaster

Peter Cooper Jr.

I actually received a letter back from the Postmaster today, pretty much confirming what I thought. They said that they have to deliver all mail with a correct address and postage, and suggested I write the people sending me mail to tell them to stop mailing me. I’ve done this quite a bit, but it’s a pain to mail everybody, and it doesn’t stop saturation mailings (where a place pays the post office to just stick a copy in everybody’s box, and the address is just “Postal Customer” so they can’t just not print an address label for me). They also reminded me that I can refuse mail being sent to me by marking it Refused and putting it back (which is what I’ve been doing all along, and no doubt the Postmaster knows it).