Charlton News

The big business development that was being planned for the center of town on Rte. 20, and went through 8 months of getting Planning Board approval, is now kaput. They have no intention of moving forward with the project, didn’t file the paperwork they needed to after approval, and so the Planning Board will be revoking their permit.

Last week’s Charlton Villager (7.3MB PDF, page 3) reports that David Singer (2006 State Rep. candidate and current Charlton Town Moderator) is running against Jack Bacon for Selectman this year. If he wins, he’d resign from the Moderator post. He says that he’d appoint an Assistant Moderator to finish out his term, but that doesn’t sound correct from my understanding of Town Meeting Time and M.G.L.. However, town meetings are run by custom as much as they are by law, so it might be legit for him to do so. But I think it’d be better if there were an election or even just a Town Meeting floor vote to determine the successor. And of course, in any event, I need to decide if I want to try to run for the position.