Update on my new elected position

I called the Town Clerk’s office today, and apparently the Republican Town Committee is in fact a real entity, but they didn’t get their list of nominees for the positions to the state by the deadline, so that’s why all the positions on the ballot were blank. That is, all the positions were filled via write-ins, and I was one of the top 35 vote getters. The person I spoke with couldn’t tell me exactly how many votes I got since that information wasn’t readily available, but said that she would call me back tomorrow with that, and said that she knew that some people made it in with only 1 or 2 votes.

Apparently, the chairman of the committee is supposed to be receiving a list of people who were voted in, and will be contacting them at some point. So I should either wait to be contacted, or try to find contact information myself for the chairman (the Town Clerk’s office could give me the name but not much else).