January 2008 Update

Interesting events in January, past and present:

  • January 1: While at the annual New Year’s party and my aunt and uncle’s large house in Middlefield, MA, my wife tumbles down a flight of stairs while carrying our luggage. “Luckily”, she landed mainly on her head and shoulders. She and Baby seem to be doing just fine despite the experience, although Jessi did suffer a pulled rotator cuff in her right shoulder which is slowly healing.
  • January 8: I stopped by the town hall on my way home from work to get information on an upcoming public hearing on the town’s contact with Charter Communications. I would like to send in my comments ahead of time, as well as attend the hearing. I may even try to get on one of the Cable Committees in town at some point.
  • January 19-20: The Morningtide Prerelease. I’m scheduled to be the Head Judge on Day 2, which will be the largest number of players I’ve ever head judged for at once.
  • January 29: The aforementioned public hearing on Charter.

4 thoughts on “January 2008 Update

  1. One of George Phillies’ old campaign web sites used to have a lot of information on town cable regs, particularly on getting multiple cable providers in a town or city. I don’t have time to look for it at the moment but you should see if you can find out what he’s talking about.

  2. You’re judging in CT, right? I’m making my plans right now and want to make sure I’m at the prerelease you’re involved in.

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