Boring news and a simple plea

Well, yesterday we had Ben & his fiancée over for a supper of pasta and meat, I started work on my web-based Adaptive Web Technologies class, and I watched Enterprise with my wife.

And soon I get to go to work again.

Also, nobody has commented on any of my entries for the past 2 weeks. Does anyone read this? Comment and say hi!

11 thoughts on “Boring news and a simple plea

  1. I do indeed read your journal. I simply do not feel I have anything useful or amusing to contribute to your posts. Perhaps you should treat your journal less as a log of daily events, and more of something to share interesting thoughts on what you’re doing or researching. Something that can be discussed in a BB-style environment.

  2. Yeah, I’d have to agree here. I don’t have much insight that I can offer on your dinner habits or adventures with . This is probably also why I don’t post much in ‘s journal either. ;)

  3. < sarcasm >Well, I sure don’t read your journal. I have a complete and total lack of interest in you.< /sarcasm >

  4. But… my research interests are obscure, and I’m not adequately angsty to post anything of interest… :)

    I don’t like dwelling on past things. My subconscious seems to like to though, and it can have an effect, but if I talk about that effect, then the terrorists- er, the subconscious has already won!

  5. Isn’t it amazing how you start to care if people comment? Its growing on you, admit it, you will soon be one of the addicted *laughs maniacally*

  6. hi! i didn’t realize ben was engaged… congratulations to ben if you read this!

  7. I read your journal Pete! It helps me to procrastinate when I should be studying. Don’t know if you’ll even get this cause I tried to “leave a comment” a few weeks ago but don’t think it worked but I’ll give it another try. Anyways I’m glad all is well and you like your full time job and say hello to everyone for me!
    Love, Jill

  8. That’s quite true. And I will try to share interesting thoughts if I have them. But if I don’t, then I still want to write something, and so I end up writing about what I’ve been doing.

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