More Busyness

So, last weekend and I housesat at ‘s place while he went to his sister’s wedding. It was nice to relax, and nice to have pets for a few days. Their dog was scared of us at first, but had warmed up to us by the end of the weekend. We also got to take advantage of their video collection, and watched Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Left Behind, and Contact. Other memorable events include a game of Scrabble, where I beat my wife by just a few points. I was quite proud of myself for beating an English major.

On Sunday, we attended ‘s graduation with her parents, her sister, and my mom. Nothing particularly exciting occurred there. The night before (Saturday), we went out to the Olive Garden with my parents, and on that night (Sunday), we went out to the 99 with her parents.

Yesterday (Monday) was not one of the best days that I’ve ever had. I awoke to discover that our hot water was no longer hot. I took a quick cold shower, and then proceeded to work, where I stayed busy for 11 hours fixing many various things that were suboptimal with the ordering system I wrote for the Stationery Show that was occurring. I tried leaving once (after only 10 hours or so), but they paged me while I was halfway home telling me to come back. So I did, couldn’t reproduce the problem we were having, and we decided to hold off anything else until morning so that I could go home.

I managed to get home when supper was still warm (a yummy hamburger and mashed potato pie), and then proceeded to have our bible study with Ben & Eileen.

Today was much better. We still don’t have hot water (in fact, I’m not sure we have water at all right now), but it is in the process of being fixed. Not as much was broken at work so I managed to come home after only an 8-hour day. Tonight we have no plans in particular, so I plan to catch up on my relaxing.