What I fear society is coming to

So, since I’ve been using my journal here as a forum for my controversial opinions, why stop now?

Top 5 ways I fear Gay Marriage will affect my life

  1. The State recognizing homosexual marriage takes away from the meaning of marriage. Marriage will be seen as a mere partnership, which just provides financial benefits. Since kids can now have multiple moms and/or dads (and in fact do, due to no-fault divorce now), there would be no legal justification for stopping polygamy and other “alternative” forms of marriage. Anything that one might be able to remotely classify as a “civil right” will have to be acceptable. As our society grows in this direction, the children that Jessi and I intend to have will grow up in this society, and that thought scares me.

  2. Marriage will lose its special meaning. If anybody and everybody can get married to whomever or whatever they want, and change around just as easily, the fact that I am “married” and have committed my life to one person won’t mean anything to others. If marriage can mean anything, then it will end up meaning nothing.

  3. Public schools will be required to teach that homosexual marriage is the equivalent of heterosexual marriage. Textbooks will have to depict people in man/man and woman/woman relationships, and stories written for children will have to give equal weight to homosexuals. This is starting to happen in the state of California already. We would be very hesitant to send our children to public schools, and Jessi would need to find a teaching position somewhere where she was not required to teach this.

  4. Let’s suppose that Jessi and I wanted to care for a foster child. (This is certainly within the realm of possibility.) As Dr. Dobson writes,

> Foster-care parents will be required to undergo “sensitivity training” to rid themselves of bias in favor of heterosexuality, and will have to affirm homosexuality in children and teens. Moral training, at least as it applies to sexuality, will be forbidden. Again, this is the current law in California.
  1. Religious freedom may be curtailed. On April 28, 2004, the Parliament of Canada passed a bill which made it a crime to say or write anything that criticizes homosexuality. Anything deemed to be “homophobic” (whatever that means) is punishable by up to six months in prison. It may only be a matter of time before something similar happens in the U.S., classifying anything that says homosexuality is wrong as “hate speech”. Will pastors be able to preach on the sections of the Bible that condemn homosexuality?

I took many of my fears from the excellent book Marriage Under Fire by Dr. James Dobson, but I’m not just regurgitating them: I really am scared of what the effects of this will be on our society and my family.

I figure that I probably ought to reiterate here that I think that homosexuals have the right to live that way if they so choose. I just also have the right to think that it’s wrong. I hope and pray that they will see the truth and seek out help for getting them out of that lifestyle.